01- Carl Stone - Stolen Car (Unseen Worlds, 2020)
02- Sansobavo Mix - Eteroa Apinelu [Tuvalu] in Gritty, Odd & Good: Weird Pseudo-Music From Unlikely Sources, curated by Francisco Lopez (Discrepant, 2020)
03- Leif Elggren - The Internationale (Firework Edition Records, 1996)
04- Ytamo - Far Away From Here (Room40, 2020)
05- David Toop / Lawrence English - Field Recording And Fox Spirits (Room40, 2020)
06- Marina Rosenfeld & Ben Vida - Vertice (Fridman Gallery, 2020)
07- KMRU - Peel (Mego, 2020)
08- Meitei - kofu (Kitchen Label, 2020)
09- Aisha Orazbayeva - Music for Violin Alone (SN Variations, 2020)
10- Zachary Paul - A Person With Feelings (Touch Records, 2020)
11- Argot - Røde Horn (Posh Isolation, 2017)
12- Claire M Singer - 24 Rionnag a Tuath (Touch Isolation, 2020)
13- Dark Morph - Ura Dardanella (The Vinyl factory, 2019)
14- Alberich - Quantized Angel (Hospital Productions, 2019)
15- The London Sound Survey - Thames (Persistence Of Sound, 2013)
16- Ian Chambers - The Eccentric Press (Persistence Of Sound, 2017)
17- Robert Worby - Factitious Airs, Electronic Music (Persistence Of Sound, 2019)
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